Will anyone be in contact with me from Consumer Credit Counseling Service of Chattanooga once I’m on the Debt Management Plan?
When you first enroll in the Debt Management Plan, our Client Support team will reach out to you 30 days, 90 days and at the 1 year mark. Each year after that, and during the anniversary month of your Debt Management Program start date, we will call you to discuss your progress and answer any questions you may have. This is your opportunity to let us know how the program is working for you, give us your feedback and to ask any questions. We understand how busy our clients are and you may not always be available when we call. In the event that we are unable to reach you by phone, we will send you a letter inviting you to call us at a time that is convenient for you. You also don’t have to wait for an anniversary to speak with us. Our Customer Support Department is open M-F from 9am to 5pm. If email is more your style, you can email us at cccsinfo@cccsofchattorg. You can also access your account information on line 24 hours a day. Please visit our website at www.cccsofchattanooga.org to log in.